Kennedy, aka Seransil’s Star Spangled Idol, Best Puppy in Show, St. John Ambulance therapy dog, canine agility qualifier, was a beloved friend to all whose hearts he touched and his fan club had dozens of members. Kennedy remained stoic through his few medical troubles through the years, including his final one. Kennedy had many human and canine friends and has joined some of them, including Lincoln, Kiri and Carter, across the Rainbow Bridge.
Every dog that I share my life with teaches me something about them and about me. Each dog lives on in my heart, a patchwork of theirs and mine, forever. I cannot be without a dog; I simply wasn’t made that way. (Author unknown)
You were taken far too soon from us and I’m still in complete shock that you’re gone. Since we first met 6.5 years ago, you’ve completely changed my life. You were my best friend and teammate. You taught me how to love, how to be humble, how to learn from failure, the importance of a routine, the importance of getting unplugg’d and living in the moment, and because of you, I met people I otherwise would never have met.
Davy, you were so kind, goofy, silly, quirky, needy, annoying, sweet, patient, aware, driven, smart, perceptive, athletic, stubborn, and full of love.
I have so much to say, which will come in time, but for now I just need to thank a few people in particular who have had a huge impact and gave us the chance to have an incredible 6.5 years together. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing Davy’s career highlights, unreleased videos, and plans for Davy’s legacy.
Thank you Lara and Brent. Words cannot possibly express how grateful I am that you trusted me to be Davy’s “disc bitch”. Your patience, generosity, understanding, and support have been incredible and overwhelming.
Patty thank you for bringing Davy into this world. I’ve seen first hand the impact Davy has had on thousands of people, especially kids, and that’s something that can only be felt, not described.
Thank you Marion for reaching out to ask me to throw to your dogs. Without you, I never would have met Lara and Davy and none of this would have been possible. Thank you Nancy for your support, photos, and the chance to throw to Envy as my first ever dog in competition and fall in love with canine disc.
Thank you Shannon, Lais, Kelly, and Olyn for working with me on The Davy Rule. You helped bring an idea from Ken to life and through Davy’s book, he will live on forever sharing messages that embodied much of what he brought to others including curiosity, determination, and friendship.
Thank you Tom Wehrli and Alex Stein (and Ashley Whippet) for all you’ve done in Canine Frisbee and for being the reason that Lara got Davy in the first place – to have her own Ashley Whippet.
Thank you Brian Burke for the wonderful photos and 3D models which will help keep Davy alive in our lives and help us through this difficult time.
Thank you Jeff, Gary, Peter, and the entire canine disc community for creating and running events, pushing Davy and I to work harder and having some epic battles (the Denver 2012 Quadruped!), and being so supportive whether it was a couch or bed to sleep on (Lige, Shaun, Jason & Melissa, Steven & Melanie, Tim and Kelly), helping with setting a world record (too many to name but especially Jenelle, Pat, Katherine, Bonnie Hawryschuk & Bob, Lia, Ashley & Drew, Chris, and everyone else who helped Davy and I chase our crazy dreams).
The highlight of my life without a doubt was our first Guinness World Record together when you became the first dog to ever catch a frisbee over 400 feet. You are amazing.